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Όπως ανοίγουν τα κοχύλια στην άμμο, έτσι και γω, αποζητώ να παίρνω το φως των δικών σας ματιών...

Όσο ζω, θα ονειρεύομαι και με τίποτα δεν με ξυπνάω. Όσο υπάρχω, στη θάλασσα θα συνεχίζω να βουτάω

και σαν δελφίνι να κολυμπάω, ψηλά θα πετάω και τα κοχύλια μου στη θάλασσα θα φυλάω. ©

Σάββατο 31 Ιανουαρίου 2009

Αγάπη.... και Έρωτας

Nίκος Δήμου:

"Mην μου πειράζετε την αγάπη. Είναι η ανώτατη μορφή του έρωτα - για όσους τυχερούς φτάσουν εκεί. Σαφώς δεν έχει το μεθύσι - έχει όμως την τρυφερότητα (ανώτατη μορφή επικοινωνίας). Και ο πόθος όμως βαθαίνει με την αγάπη.

Η ανθρωπολόγος Φίσερ έχει πει:

«Έχουν πλέον βρεθεί αναμφισβήτητα φυσιολογικά στοιχεία που δείχνουν ότι η ρομαντική αγάπη μπορεί να διαρκέσει. Φαίνεται πως η ρομαντική αγάπη δεν υπάρχει μόνο (σ.σ. από βιολογική- εξελικτική άποψη) για να ενθαρρύνει το ξεκίνημα της δημιουργίας ενός ζευγαριού, αλλά και για να διατηρεί επίσης και να βελτιώνει τις μακρόχρονες σχέσεις».

imageΓράψτε μου…

Ποια νομίζετε ότι είναι η διαφορά, μεταξύ του Έρωτα και της Αγάπης;

Πόσες φορές έχετε αγαπήσει στη ζωή σας;

Παρασκευή 30 Ιανουαρίου 2009

...γιατί δεν πρέπει να βιάζεστε στο φλερτ

Βρετανοί επιστήμονες παρουσίασαν ένα μαθηματικό μοντέλο του φλερτ, που εξηγεί, ούτε λίγο ούτε πολύ, γιατί το «παιγνίδι» ανάμεσα στα δύο φύλα, συχνά τραβάει σε μάκρος. Οι επιστήμονες πιστεύουν λοιπόν πως η θεωρία των παιγνίων, που έχει εφαρμογή και στις σχέσεις ανδρών-γυναικών, εξηγεί γιατί οι άντρες δεν πρέπει να βιάζονται.
Η μελέτη, που δημοσιεύθηκε στο βιολογικό περιοδικό «Journal of Theoretical Biology», έγινε από ερευνητές του Πανεπιστημιακού Κολεγίου του Λονδίνου (UCL), υπό τον καθηγητή μαθηματικών, Robert Seymour, του πανεπιστημίου του Warwick και της Σχολής Οικονομικών και Πολιτικών Επιστημών του Λονδίνου (LSE) υπό τον δρ. Peter Sozou.
Λέγοντας όχι: Μαθηματικοί έδειξαν ότι οι 'καλύτεροι' παρτενέρ, επιθυμούν να γνωρίζονται περισσότερο χρόνο πριν κάνουν σεξ.
Η μελέτη χρησιμοποιεί τη θεωρία των παιγνίων για να αναλύσει πώς ο άνδρας και η γυναίκα, που αρχίζουν να φλερτάρουν μεταξύ τους και να παίζουν το «παιγνίδι του ζευγαρώματος», συμπεριφέρονται με στρατηγικό τρόπο ο ένας προς τον άλλο -χωρίς κατ' ανάγκην να το συνειδητοποιούν. Το «παιγνίδι» τελειώνει, όταν ο ένας από τους δύο αποσυρθεί, ή η γυναίκα αποδεχτεί τον άνδρα ως σύντροφο (αλλά όχι το αντίθετο!).

Η βασική παραδοχή είναι ότι ο άνδρας, στα μάτια της γυναίκας, είναι «καλός» ή «κακός» ανάλογα με την ικανότητα που έχει - ή η γυναίκα πιστεύει ότι έχει - για να φροντίσει τα παιδιά που θα κάνουν όταν κάποτε στο μέλλον παντρευτούν. Ο βασικός στρατηγικός στόχος της γυναίκας είναι να μάθει -με κάθε τρόπο- όσο γίνεται περισσότερες πληροφορίες για το πόσο «καλός» μπαμπάς θα γίνει ο άνδρας που έχει απέναντί της.

Ο «καλός» τύπος άνδρα είναι διατεθειμένος να τραβήξει σε μεγαλύτερο μάκρος το προκαταρκτικό φλερτ από ό,τι ο «κακός», πράγμα που η γυναίκα εκτιμά, αν μη τι άλλο επειδή έτσι έχει περισσότερο χρόνο για να εκμαιεύσει πληροφορίες σχετικά με τον υποψήφιο σύντροφό της. Οι «κακοί» άνδρες (από τη σκοπιά της γυναίκας) είναι όσοι εύκολα και γρήγορα τα παρατάνε. Όσο το φλερτ συνεχίζεται, αυξάνεται η πιθανότητα ο άνδρας να θεωρηθεί ο «κατάλληλος» τύπος.

Όπως δήλωσε ο καθηγητής Robert Seymour, «το φλερτ σε ένα σημαντικό αριθμό ζώων κρατά μεγάλα χρονικά διαστήματα. Στους ανθρώπους μπορεί να περιλαμβάνει μια σειρά από δείπνα, θεατρικές παραστάσεις, ταξίδια και άλλες εξόδους, που μπορούν να συνεχίζονται για μήνες ή και για χρόνια. Ο άνδρας συνήθως πρέπει να σηκώσει το μεγαλύτερο οικονομικό βάρος αυτού του παιγνιδιού, όμως τελικά και για τα δύο φύλα υπάρχει ένα σημαντικό κόστος, με την έννοια του χρόνου που θα μπορούσε να έχει δαπανηθεί σε άλλες πιο παραγωγικές δραστηριότητες».

Γιατί, λοιπόν, οι άνθρωποι, αλλά και άλλα ζώα, δεν επιταχύνουν τα πράγματα για να γλιτώσουν αυτό το κόστος; Η απάντηση, κατά τον Seymour, φαίνεται να βρίσκεται στο ότι «η επιμήκυνση του φλερτ είναι ένας τρόπος για το θηλυκό να αποκτήσει περισσότερες πληροφορίες για το αρσενικό και να μειώσει τις πιθανότητες μιας λανθασμένης επιλογής.
Από την άλλη, ο άνδρας, προθυμοποιούμενος για ένα τόσο μακρόχρονο φλερτ, μεταφέρει το μήνυμα ότι είναι πιθανώς ο κατάλληλος. Άρα, το μακρύ φλερτ δεν είναι παρά το τίμημα για να αυξηθεί η πιθανότητα ενός αρμονικού ταιριάσματος. Ίσως αυτό εξηγεί την κοινή πεποίθηση και συμβουλή στις γυναίκες να μην κοιμούνται με έναν άνδρα από το πρώτο ραντεβού».

Όσοι άνδρες, λοιπόν, έχουν σοβαρές προθέσεις, ας εξοπλισθούν με υπομονή!

Η πιο λεπτή τηλεόραση του κόσμου

Την τελευταία λέξη της τεχνολογίας στις τηλεοράσεις παρουσίασε η SONY με το μοντέλο BRAVIA ZX1, το μέγεθος της οθόνης είναι 9.9 χιλιοστά ίσο με μία φέτα ψωμιού για τοστ!
Ο σχεδιασμός της τηλεόρασης επιτρέπει υψηλή ανάλυση εικόνας και ποιότητα ήχου αντίστοιχη της SONY και ταυτόχρονα την εξαιρετικά ελαφριά και λεπτή κατασκευή της.
Επίσης, καταργεί και τα καλώδια, αφού λειτουργεί με ασύρματο πομπό, δίνοντας την αίσθηση του κάδρου, παρά μιας κλασσικής τηλεόρασης. Kαλά νέα, για όσους δεν αντέχουν πια τη θέα των μπερδεμένων καλωδίων.
Το κόστος της υπολογίζεται στα 3.300 ευρώ.
Mε αφορμή την κυκλοφορία του μοντέλου ZX1, η εταιρεία πραγματοποίησε δημοσκόπηση σε 3.000 ανθρώπους, που τους ζήτησε να διαλέξουν τις πιο αξιομνημόνευτες στιγμές της μικρής οθόνης.

Πέμπτη 29 Ιανουαρίου 2009

Άπειρα τα μυστικά επιτυχίας που μας πλασάρουν! Ποιό είναι το αποτέλεσμα, όμως;


Το θέμα δεν είναι να ξέρεις σκι, αλλά να μπορείς να ανέβεις στα lifts!!


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Αντίδοτο στην Ασχήμια!


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Ρυθμίστε το καλοριφέρ με το... κινητό σας

Να καλούν… την κεντρική θέρμανση του σπιτιού τους θα μπορούν σε λίγο καιρό οι κάτοχοι κινητών Νokia.
Ύστερα από συμφωνία της Φιλανδικής εταιρείας, Nokia, με τον ενεργειακό Γερμανικό κολοσσό, RWE, ξεκίνησε η ανάπτυξη ενός προγράμματος, προκειμένου να παρέχεται η δυνατότητα ελέγχου της θέρμανσης μέσω του κινητού.
Αυτό πρακτικά σημαίνει, ότι θα μπορεί οποιοσδήποτε το επιθυμεί να ανοιγοκλείνει τη θέρμανση του χώρου του ή και να αυξομειώνει τη θερμοκρασία, από οποιοδήποτε σημείο και να βρίσκεται.
Τα σχέδια της Nokia, όμως, δεν περιορίζονται σ' αυτήν την υπηρεσία. Αντιθέτως, ένα γενικότερο σχέδιο, με όνομα «Κέντρο Ελέγχου Οικίας», βρίσκεται σε αναπτυξιακό στάδιο. Όταν αυτό ολοκληρωθεί, θα καταστεί δυνατός ο έλεγχος όλων των ηλεκτρικών συσκευών, του συναγερμού μέχρι και των κουρτινών των δικτυωμένων χώρων, μέσω κινητού.
Είναι γεγονός, ότι από τα τέλη της φετινής χρονιάς, οπότε και θα διατεθεί στην αγορά το συγκεκριμένο πακέτο υπηρεσιών, η χρήση του κινητού τηλεφώνου θ' αποκτήσει μια άλλη διάσταση.
Όπως χαρακτηριστικά τονίζει ο Ντάνιελ Σανγκ, διευθυντής του τεχνολογικού blog, από τη στιγμή που κατέστη δυνατή η σύνδεση του κινητού με το Ιντερνέτ, οι προοπτικές είναι τεράστιες και οι εξελίξεις όσον αφορά τις νέες υπηρεσίες που θα προσφέρει, θα είναι ραγδαίες.

Πράγματα που το κινητό σου μπορεί να κάνει (και που εσύ δεν γνωρίζεις)

  • Ο αριθμός ανάγκης για όλον τον κόσμο είναι ο 112. Αυτός ο αριθμός μπορεί να πληκτρολογηθεί ακόμη και αν το κινητό είναι μπλοκαρισμένο.
  • Αν κλειδώσατε το αυτοκίνητο ξεχνώντας τα κλειδιά μέσα και βρίσκεστε μακριά από το σπίτι έχοντας εκεί άλλα κλειδιά, τηλεφωνήστε με το κινητό σας σε κάποιον στο σπίτι, ο οποίος θα πλησιάσει στο τηλέφωνο το control των κλειδιών και εσείς το κινητό σας στην πόρτα του αυτοκινήτου και αμέσως θα ανοίξουν οι ασφάλειες. Το ίδιο ισχύει και για το πορτμπαγκάζ.
  • Αν εξαντλήθηκε η μπαταρία του κινητού σας, όλα τα κινητά έχουν μια ρεζέρβα φόρτωσης της μπαταρίας τους που, πληκτρολογώντας *3370#, αυτόματα ενεργοποιείται, δίνοντάς σας ακόμη και 50% πρόσθετο γέμισμα. Όταν θα επαναφορτίσετε το κινητό, αυτόματα θα επαναφορτιστεί και η ρεζέρβα.
  • Αν σας κλέψουν το κινητό. Οι έμποροι κινητών διατηρούν κρυφή αυτήν την πληροφορία, ώστε ο κλέφτης να συνεχίσει να χρησιμοποιεί τις υπηρεσίες της κινητής τηλεφωνίας και να καταναλώνει και παράλληλα, το θύμα της κλοπής, να αγοράσει άλλο κινητό και να συνεχίσει και αυτό να καταναλώνει. Είναι ανάγκη να έχετε το σειριακό αριθμό (serial number) του κινητού σας. Πληκτρολόγησε *#06# και στην οθόνη θα εμφανιστεί ένας κωδικός. Αυτός ο κωδικός, μοναδικός στον κόσμο, είναι ο σειριακός αριθμός του κινητού σας. Σημειώστε τον και φυλάξτε τον κάπου. Αν σας κλέψουν το κινητό, ειδοποιήστε τον παροχέα σας και δώστε του αυτόν τον αριθμό. Αυτό σημαίνει πως το κινητό σας θα μπλοκαριστεί τελείως, ακόμη και αν ο κλέφτης αλλάξει την κάρτα SIM. Πιθανό να μη βρείτε ποτέ το κινητό σας, αλλά τουλάχιστον θα έχετε τη βεβαιότητα πως ο κλέφτης δεν θα το χρησιμοποιήσει ποτέ.

Πολιτικά καλλιστεία 2009

Φάνη Πάλλη Πετραλιά
Κατάγεται από το. νησί που έχει στην ιδιοκτησία της. Μεγάλη της αδυναμία, ο αθλητισμός, καθώς είναι πανελλήνια πρωταθλήτρια στο άλμα εις μικρομεσαίο επιχειρηματία. Στον ελεύθερό της χρόνο, αλλάζει υπουργεία.

Αλέκα Παπαρήγα
Η καταγωγή της είναι από το Ζενίτ της Ρωσίας, της αρέσει το κόκκινο χρώμα στα μαλλιά της και το μαύρο στις ψυχές του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ, στον ελεύθερό της χρόνο ψάλλει στον Ιερό Ναό Μεγίστης Ρηγίλλης και μιλά τρεις γλώσσες. Την ξύλινη, την αντικαπιταλιστική και τη Μαρξιστική-Λενινιστική.

Αλέκος Αλαβάνος
Η μοναδική τρανσέξουαλ συμμετοχή του διαγωνισμού. Αριστερής ρητορείας με καπιταλιστικές καταβολές. Στον ελεύθερό του χρόνο αγοράζει μετοχές επιχειρήσεων ή παίζει τυφλόμυγα με κουκουλοφόρους. Είναι βαφτιστήρι του πρωθυπουργού (τον αποκαλεί συνεχώς «νονό») και ο πατέρας του δεν τον έχει αναγνωρίσει (φορούσε κουκούλα).

Άννα Διαμαντοπούλου
Η σκληρή της παρέας. Της αρέσει να υποδουλώνει τους άντρες και να την αποκαλούν «αυταρχική αφέντρα». Στον ελεύθερό της χρόνο περιμένει την επόμενη μαλακία του Γιώργου Παπανδρέου, να παίζει σαδομαζοχιστικά παιχνίδια στη λέσχη Μπίλντεμπεργκ και να παρακολουθεί της περιπέτειες της Κρουέλας στην τηλεόραση.

Λιάννα Κανέλη
Η ιδιότητά της είναι συνώνυμη του Αλβανού τουρίστα. Είναι χριστιανή κομμουνίστρια. Στον ελεύθερό της χρόνο αναπνέει (στον υπόλοιπο καπνίζει). Μιλάει δύο ξένες γλώσσες. Τη δική της και τη διχαλωτή.

Βάσω Παπανδρέου
Άνθρωπος έξω καρδιά, ζωηρή και πάντα σκανδαλιάρα. Όταν μιλάει, καθηλώνει το κοινό. Μιλάει δύο ξένες γλώσσες. Τη γλώσσα του σώματος και τη γλώσσα του ματιού (της).

Μαριέττα Κουτσίκου Γιαννάκου
Θέλει να ακολουθήσει καριέρα μοντελίστ, καθώς φημίζεται για τις στυλιστικές της επιλογές. Μιλάει τρεις ξένες γλώσσες (και οι τρεις τής είναι εντελώς ξένες) και στον ελεύθερο χρόνο της περνάει μεταρρυθμίσεις ώστε να μειωθεί ο ελεύθερος χρόνος των άλλων.
ΥΓ. Η κ.Γιαννάκου έχει ξεπεράσει πλέον το πρόβλημά της και μάλλον προορίζεται ξανά για υπουργική θέση. Ο γιατρός της εύχεται περαστικά και σιδερένια.

Μαρία Δαμανάκη
Κατάγεται από χωριό, αλλά καταβάλλει προσπάθειες να σταθεί όρθια στην πόλη. Παράτησε το σπορ ντύσιμο με τις ζιβάγκο μπλούζες κι επιδίδεται στη συλλογή ταγέρ. Μιλάει μία ξένη γλώσσα, τη Σαρακατσάνικη. Στον ελεύθερό της χρόνο, ακούει τους μονολόγους της Κατερίνας Παπακώστα.

Μαριλίζα Ξενογιαννακοπούλου
Το μεγάλο φαβορί του διαγωνισμού. Η πυγμή και η αποφασιστικότητα είναι τα κύρια χαρακτηριστικά της. Στον ελεύθερό της χρόνο, ψάχνει καινούργιους καθρέπτες. Στον υπόλοιπο, προσπαθεί να καταλάβει γιατί σπάνε.

Ντόρα Μπακογιάννη
Έχει εμφανιστεί σε διαφημίσεις οδοντόκρεμας στο παρελθόν, ακούγεται πως πάσχει από το «σύνδρομο της Ηλέκτρας» και στον ελεύθερό της χρόνο πριονίζει καρέκλες. Αγαπημένος της ήρωας κόμικ είναι ο Ιζνογκούντ.


Τετάρτη 28 Ιανουαρίου 2009

100 hottest women of 2009

Εγώ πάντως διαφωνώ με το προηγούμενο άρθρο του Ν. Ρίζου.
Αγαπώ τις γυναίκες και ειδικά όταν βρίσκονται στην παρακάτω λίστα.
100. Eva Mendes

Who Is She? Actress best known for roles in movies such as Hitch, Training Day, and Once Upon A Time In Mexico.
Why She Made The List: Mendes has staked a claim as one of the hottest actresses in the world ever since her half naked role in Training Day. She’ll be looking to have a big 2009 by starring in Warner Herzog’s next film, Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans.
Click here for more pictures of Eva Mendes!
99. Alice, The Snorg Tees Girl

Who Is She? The famous spokeswoman for Snorg Tees.
Why She Made The List: She’s so hot she forces you to look at banner ads. How many women are worth turning off Adblock Plus?
Click here for more pictures of Alice, The Snorg Tees Girl !
98. Christina Ricci

Who Is She? A former child actress and current actress, possibly still best known for her role as Wednesday Addams in The Addams Family movies.
Why She Made The List: Ricci grew up ridiculously hot, and she’s coming off a big year where she starred in Speed Racer. She’s slated for two movies in 2009, a thriller with Liam Neeson called After.Life and an ensemble comedy set at a Renaissance fair.
Click here for more pictures of Christina Ricci !
97. Julianne Hough

Who Is She? Hough is a professional dancer and singer. She’s won two seprate seasons of Dancing with the Stars, and recently released a successful country album.
Why She Made The List: Hough is one of the (few) things that makes Dancing with the Stars watchable. Unfortunately she’s sitting out next season to focus on her ascending music career, but she should be back in the fall of ‘09.
Click here for more pictures of Julianne Hough!
96. Alicia Keys

Who Is She? Keys is a massively successful singer-songwriter who’s starting to branch out into acting.
Why She Made The List: She’s only gotten hotter over the years, and she’s having more and more sucess to boot. She recently signed a deal with Disney to develop live action and animated projects and has formed her own television production company called Big Pita.
Click here for more pictures of Alicia Keys !
95. Olivia Munn

Who Is She? Olivia Munn is a geek goddess. She’s the face of the gaming network G4 and co-hosts Attack of the Show! with Kevin Pereira.
Why She Made The List: You have to love a girl that knows her way around the tech and gaming worlds while still managing to look like Olivia Munn. She’s a rare breed.
Click here for more pictures of Olivia Munn!
94. Michelle Trachtenberg

Who Is She? Michelle Trachtenberg is an actress currently best known for starring in Gossip Girl, but she also was a fixture in the later seasons of Buffy, The Vampire Slayer
Why She Made The List: Trachtenberg has a unique fresh look, and her star is on the rise.
Click here for more pictures of Michelle Trachtenberg !
93. Jennifer Connelly

Who Is She? An intelligent actress known for playing dark and serious roles in smart movies.
Why She Made The List: Connelly has seemingly lost some of her ridiculous figure in recent years, but she’s still one of the hottest actresses working in Hollywood today.
Click here for more pictures of Jennifer Connelly !
92. Kim Kardashian

Who Is She? A Paris Hilton clone, best known for a sex tape, and famous mostly for being famous.
Why She Made The List: She proves that the descriptive term “thick” doesn’t have to mean fat girl.
Click here for more pictures of Kim Kardashian!
91. Keira Knightley

Who Is She? An English actress probably best known for her work in the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy.
Why She Made The List: Sure, she looks like she could use seconds at meals, but Knightley has a very classical beauty that can’t be denied.
Click here for more pictures of Keira Knightley !
90. Kat Von D

Who Is She? Kat Von D is best known for her work as a tattoo artist featured on the TLC reality show Miami Ink.
Why She Made The List: She has a modified Metallica logo tattoo’d on her body that reads “Slutallica”. That’s really all I needed to know to put her on the list.
Click here for more pictures of Kat Von D !
89. Katherine Heigl

Who Is She? Heigl is an actress best known for her work on Gray’s Anatomy as well as movies like Knocked Up.
Why She Made The List: We’ve thought Heigl was gorgeous since her days on the WB/UPN show Roswell and she’s only gotten hotter over time.
Click here for more pictures of Katherine Heigl !
88. Sienna Miller

Who Is She? Miller is an English actress probably just as well known for her highly public relationship with ex Jude Law, who incredibly cheated on Miller with the nanny. What the hell was he thinking?
Why She Made The List: Sienna is about to really move into the mainstream in ‘09, with a role as The Baroness in the upcoming G.I. Joe movie.
Click here for more pictures of Sienna Miller!
87. Gemma Arterton

Who Is She? An English actress really just recently hitting the big time, she was the newest Bond girl in Quantum of Solace.
Why She Made The List: We here at Pop Crunch really, really love Bond girls. Interesting weird fact: Arterton was born with twelve fingers.
Click here for more pictures of Gemma Arterton!
86. Ali Larter

Who Is She? Ali Larter is a successful actress, currently best known for her role as Niki Sanders on Heroes.
Why She Made The List: Ok, so it’s been ten years now, but the whipped cream bikini in Varsity Blues still gets us everytime.
Click here for more pictures of Ali Larter !
85. Emma Roberts

Who Is She? The niece of Julia Roberts and an actress and singer. Possibly best known for playing Nancy Drew in the two recent Nancy Drew movies.
Why She Made The List: Roberts is a strong up and comer, someone who we will be seeing a lot of in the coming years.
Click here for more pictures of Emma Roberts!
84. Lindsay Lohan

Who Is She? A cracked out celebrity trainwreck, who is nevertheless still extremely hot.
Why She Made The List: She just had her best year ever. Well in our opinion anyway, which might be slightly weighted by the fact that Lohan finally stripped down in 2008. I’d put the chances of full frontal in 2009 at 80/20 for.
Click here for more pictures of Lindsay Lohan!
83. Ashanti

Who Is She? A singer songwriter / actress with four albums under her belt and roles in movies such as Coach Carter and Resident Evil: Extinction.
Why She Made The List: She slowed down a bit from 2005-2008, but we think more big things are still ahead for Ashanti.
Click here for more pictures of Ashanti!
82. Leona Lewis

Who Is She? Lewis is an English pop/R&B singer and songwriter who was discovered on the English reality show The X-Factor when she won the third season in 2006.
Why She Made The List: Lewis has a very unique and interesting look, brought about from her diverse parents (her father is from Guyana, her mother is of Welsh, Italian and Irish descent). Great blend apparently.
Click here for more pictures of Leona Lewis !
81. Kate Winslet

Who Is She? Probably one of the greatest actresses in the world at the moment.
Why She Made The List: Winslet is one of the rare actresses who only gets better looking with age. She had an incredible 2008, ending up with an Oscar nomination for Best Actress for her role in Revolutionary Road.
Click here for more pictures of Kate Winslet!
80. Eliza Dushku

Who Is She? An actress best know for roles in Bring It On, The New Guy, and Wrong Turn, as well as TV roles in shows such as Buffy, The Vampire Slayer.
Why She Made The List: Dushku has been an under the radar hottie for years, but hopefully that’s going to change in 2009 as she stars in the new Joss Whedon show Dollhouse.
Click here for more pictures of Eliza Dushku!
79. Kat Dennings

Who Is She? Dennings is best known for starring in films such as 40 Year Old Virgin and Nick and Nora’s Infinite Playlist.
Why She Made The List: She’s got an irresistible dark look, with some incredibly large … eyes. Among other things.
Click here for more pictures of Kat Dennings!
78. Mary Louise Parker

Who Is She? Nancy Botwin on the Showtime show Weeds, as well as a longtime film and television actress.
Why She Made The List: Parker might be the hottest MILF on the planet. She’s definitely the best reason to watch Weeds.
Click here for more pictures of Mary Louise Parker!
77. Christina Aguilera

Who Is She? A pop superstar with over 42 million records sold.
Why She Made The List: Aguilera so far has displayed a Madonna like ability to re-invent herself. Lately she’s been focusing on motherhood, adding hot MILF to her list of personnas she’s adopted over the years.
Click here for more pictures of Christina Aguilera!
76. Sofia Vergara

Who Is She? A Columbian actress and model, probably best known for her modeling, but also for appearing in ABC’s Dirty Sexy Money.
Why She Made The List: Her nickname is “Sofia Viagra”. What more do you need to know?
Click here for more pictures of Sofia Vergara!
75. Brittany Snow

Who Is She? An American film and television actress, Snow has appearing in such films as Hairspray and John Tucker Must DieWhy She Made The List: She’s kind of a B or C lister right now, but she’s got the looks to move up to the A list.
Click here for more pictures of Brittany Snow!
74. Marisa Miller

Who Is She? One of the hottest swimsuit models in the world
Why She Made The List: Her SI spreads are legendary, and you aren’t going to find many women with better bodies than Marisa.
Click here for more pictures of Marisa Miller!
73. Adrianne Palicki

Who Is She? Palicki is one of the stars of NBC’s Friday Night Lights (one of the best shows on TV).
Why She Made The List: Tall and blonde with a killer body, Palicki will almost certainly be going on to bigger things once her stint on FNL is completed.
Click here for more pictures of Adrianne Palicki!
72. Diora Baird

Who Is She? Baird is a former fashion model and current actress who is probably best known for roles in Wedding Crashers and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning.
Why She Made The List: Baird guest starred in episodes of Big Day where she was best known for her insane 32DD bust. That’s a good enough reason for us.
Click here for more pictures of Diora Baird!
71. Colbie Calliat

Who Is She? While her debut album came out in 2007, it really felt like Calliat was everywhere in 2008, recording songs with Taylor Swift, Jason Mraz and touring with John Mayer. She seems like someone that’s going to stick around for a good while.
Why She Made The List: Calliat has a simple California hotness that brings to mind sunshine, beaches, and summer which definitely makes her worthy of our list.
Click here for more pictures of Colbie Calliat!
70. Julie Benz

Who Is She? Benz is best known for playing Rita Bennett on the Showtime show Dexter.
Why She Made The List: Julia Benz has the hot blonde MILF thing down to perfection, and it’s easy to see how even a guy with no emotions like Dexter Morgan could fall for her.
Click here for more pictures of Julie Benz!
69. Evangeline Lilly

Who Is She? Canadian actress best known for her work on Lost.
Why She Made The List: She’s hot and she has a good heart; Lilly has said that she wants to take time off to be a humanitarian worker once she finishes up with Lost.
Click here for more pictures of Evangeline Lilly!
68. Kate Bosworth

Who Is She? An American actress best known recently for roles in 21 and Superman Returns.
Why She Made The List: Sadly, being Lois Lane doesn’t bring the cache it should since the Superman franchise is so weak these days, but we still think it’s pretty hot.
Click here for more pictures of Kate Bosworth!
67. Emily VanCamp

Who Is She? VanCamp is a Canadian actress best know for roles in Everwood and Brothers & Sisters.
Why She Made The List: VanCamp has a nice fresh face that we think will get a lot more exposure in the coming years.
Click here for more pictures of Emily VanCamp!
66. Natasha Bedingfield

Who Is She? An English singer songwriter with three albums that have sold over 10 million copies worldwide.
Why She Made The List: Bedingfield has a classic look and such an upbeat persona that it’s hard not to like her.
Click here for more pictures of Natasha Bedingfield!
65. Aimee Teegarden

Who Is She? Teegarden is best known for her role as Julie Taylor on Friday Night Lights, but she’s also done a fair amount of modeling.
Why She Made The List: Teegarden has a killer body and a cute face to boot. Bonus fun fact: Aimee was the celebrity questioner who asked Miss South Carolina Caitlin Upton “Recent polls have shown a fifth of Americans can’t locate the U.S. on a world map. Why do you think this is?”. So her place in history is assured.
Click here for more pictures of Aimee Teegarden!
64. Kendra Wilkinson

Who Is She? Possibly the most famous of Hugh Hefner’s girlfriends.
Why She Made The List: Sure, she’s a bit plastic and Hollywood platinum fake, but there’s a time and a place for everything, and you really can’t deny Wilkinson’s sex appeal. It’s not exactly tough seeing what Hefner saw in her.
Click here for more pictures of Kendra Wilkinson!
63. Elisha Cuthbert

Who Is She? Cuthbert has starred in quite a few films, but we like to remember her mostly for her role in “The Girl Next Door” where she might have been at the pinnacle of her hotness.
Why She Made The List: Cuthbert has fallen on hard times recently (if we had done a list like this in 2004 or 2005 she probably would have been top five), but she’s still got plenty of time to turn things around. We’re including her because her hotness ceiling is just that high.
Click here for more pictures of Elisha Cuthbert!
62. Jennifer Love Hewitt

Who Is She? Hewitt is a former pop star and a current television actress, starring in The Ghost Whisperer.
Why She Made The List: There’s really nothing not to like about Jennifer Love Hewitt. She’s got the total package, and it’ll probably be a long time before she gets bumped from a list like this.
Click here for more pictures of Jennifer Love Hewitt!
61. Leighton Meester

Who Is She? Meester is Blair on Gossip Girl.
Why She Made The List: Gossip Girl is kind of insufferable, but the women on the show definitely bump it up a notch or two. Good eye candy can redeem just about anything, and Meester is definitely good eye candy.
Click here for more pictures of Leighton Meester!
60. Jennifer Aniston

Who Is She? Probably one of the most famous women in America.
Why She Made The List: She’s aging, but doing it better than most. Her recent nearly naked GQ cover showed that, if anything, she’s hotter than she’s ever been in her life.
Click here for more pictures of Jennifer Aniston!
59. Anna Faris

Who Is She? A film actress who has sadly been wasted in dreck such as the Scary Movie franchise. She deserves better!
Why She Made The List: She made The House Bunny watchable. Enjoyable even. That’s pretty serious hotness. And she’s the rare hot actress who is actually pretty damn funny.
Click here for more pictures of Anna Faris!
58. Heidi Montag

Who Is She? An annoying girl best known for being on an annoying MTV reality show.
Why She Made The List: Read the above again, realize she really is that annoying, but she looks so good that she still fully deserves to make this list. Serious personality flaws, sure, but Montag makes up for it in other areas.
Click here for more pictures of Heidi Montag!
57. Dita Von Teese

Who Is She? A burlesque model and actress.
Why She Made The List: She looks like she beamed in straight from the 1940’s, but makes it work somehow. That’s impressive.
Click here for more pictures of Dita Von Teese!
56. Rachel McAdams

Who Is She? McAdams is an actress best known for acting in the types of movie your girlfriend drags you to (The Notebook, The Family Stone).
Why She Made The List: McAdams kind of looks like she has too many teeth at times, but you still can’t deny that she’s hot.
Click here for more pictures of Rachel McAdams!
55. Heidi Klum

Who Is She? One of the most famous models in the world.
Why She Made The List: She was our hottest Victoria’s Secret model of all time, which means she definitely gets a spot on this list. Klum is another woman who is holding up extremely well with age.
Click here for more pictures of Heidi Klum!
54. Christina Hendricks

Who Is She? The office manager at Sterling Cooper on AMC’s Mad Men.
Why She Made The List: Hendricks really stands out in an industry where most of the women are blonde and waifishly thin. Hollywood could use more women that look like Hendricks. So could my office for that matter.
Click here for more pictures of Christina Hendricks !
53. Paz Vega

Who Is She? Vega is a Spanish actress, probably best known in the US for the films Spanglish and 10 Items or Less.
Why She Made The List: If you’ve ever seen Spanglish than you already understand, because you’ve certainly fallen in love with Paz Vega already. But to put it simply: she’s adorable and impossibly beautiful.
Click here for more pictures of Paz Vega!
52. Amanda Bynes

Who Is She? A Nickelodeon star in her younger days, Bynes is now transitioning into more adult roles.
Why She Made The List: I’m guessing a lot of people mostly remember Bynes from her kid programming days, so if you haven’t seen her in awhile you’re in for a surprise. She grew up nice!
Click here for more pictures of Amanda Bynes!
51. Malin Akerman

Who Is She? A Swedish-Canadian model and actress. She’s appeared on Entourage and in movies such as The Heartbreak Kid and 27 Dresses.
Why She Made The List: I think Alkerman has flown under the radar a little bit, but that should change in 2009 as she’s starring in Watchmen and an upcoming Vince Vaughn movie called Couple’s Retreat.
Click here for more pictures of Malin Akerman!
50. Anna Paquin

Who Is She? Actress recently best known for her starring role in HBO’s True Blood.
Why She Made The List: Paquin has a killer body, but I’m not sure she makes this list before her recent change from brunette to blonde. The light hair really pushes her over the top.
Click here for more pictures of Anna Paquin!
49. Rachel Bilson

Who Is She? Actress who made her debut in The Last Kiss and recently starred in Jumper.
Why She Made The List: Bilson is an actress on the rise, and it’s not hard to see why when you get an eyeful of her.
Click here for more pictures of Rachel Bilson!
48. Gabrielle Union

Who Is She? An actress and singer, best known for her roles in Bad Boys 2 and Bring it On.
Why She Made The List: Gabrielle Union is yet another woman on this list who has aged really well. She first started appearing in teenybopper movies in the late 90’s and she looks just as good now as she did then, if not better.
Click here for more pictures of Gabrielle Union!
47. Kristen Kreuk

Who Is She? A Canadian actress probably best known for her role on Smallville.
Why She Made The List: Kreuk’s kind of a B lister, but we’ve had a crush on her since her Smallville days. She’ll be appearing in a Street Fighters movie this year, which unfortunately probably won’t do much for her career.
Click here for more pictures of Kristen Kreuk!
46. Emma Stone

Who Is She? An actress who just recently made her film debut in Superbad, and has also recently appeared in The Rocker and The House Bunny.
Why She Made The List: Stone exudes a down to earth quality that makes her seem attainable. Even if she’s not at all, but we like to dream.
Click here for more pictures of Emma Stone!
45. Tina Fey

Who Is She? Possibly the governor of Alaska, we’re not entirely sure.
Why She Made The List: Tina Fey is quite possibly the hottest smart/funny woman in the world. She quite possibly saved democracy by helping to illustrate how ridiculous Sarah Palin really was. What more could you want?
Click here for more pictures of Tina Fey!
44. Uma Thurman

Who Is She? An Amazonian goddess probably best known for her roles in Quentin Tarantino films.
Why She Made The List: Because she looks like she was genetically engineered to be perfect.
Click here for more pictures of Uma Thurman!
43. Maria Sharapova

Who Is She? A Russian tennis superstar.
Why She Made The List: Sharapova is blonde, tall, gorgeous, and one of the best athletes in the world. She’s the whole package.
Click here for more pictures of Maria Sharapova!
42. Giada De Laurentiis

Who Is She? A host of a bunch of Food Network programs, most notably Everyday Italian.
Why She Made The List: Not to be sexist or anything, but De Laurentiis is a hot woman who clearly can cook. It’s a plus is all I’m saying.
Click here for more pictures of Giada De Laurentiis!
41. Lauren Conrad

Who Is She? A star of the MTV reality show The Hills.
Why She Made The List: MTV really has gone to hell, but at least their reality shows have some ridiculously hot girls in them. You have to give them that at least.
Click here for more pictures of Lauren Conrad!
40. Alysson Hannigan

Who Is She? You remember her from American Pie … and that one time at band camp. Now she currently stars on the comedy How I Met your Mother.
Why She Made The List: Hannigan has girl-next-door hottness. Good smile, pretty eyes nice assets. And she’s soon to be a milf with her first baby on the way.
Click here for more pictures of Alysson Hannigan!
39. Zooey Deschanel

Who Is She? Jovi, from Elf, oh and the sister of Bones.
Why She Made The List: You have to love a girl who is multi-talented, and that’s Deschanel. She has written and recorded a few songs featuring some pretty amazing vocals on her part to go along with her thriving acting career.
Click here for more pictures of Zooey Deschanel!
38. Jenna Fischer

Who Is She? Pam, from The Office
Why She Made The List: With a cute smile and a great sense of humor, how can you go wrong? She literally seems to be the kind of girl you want to take home to your mother.
Click here for more pictures of Jenna Fischer!
37. Ashley Scott

Who Is She? An actress best known for her work on Jericho and earlier work on Dark Angel and Birds of Prey.
Why She Made The List: One of the tragedies of Jericho getting cancelled was Ashley Scott being out of work. She definitely is hot enough to deserve better.
Click here for more pictures of Ashley Scott!
36. Emma Watson

Who Is She? English actress who stars in the Harry Potter movies.
Why She Made The List: Emma has it all! Good looks, brains, hot British accent and now a fat bank account. Emma started filming the Harry Potter series at age 9 and will wrap before she starts college in the fall, and she basically never has to work again if she doesn’t want to. Not too bad for being 18.
Click here for more pictures of Emma Watson!
35. Eva Longoria

Who Is She?Tony Parker’s HOT wife! Oh and that Desperate Housewives thing.
Why She Made The List: Eva burst onto the scene with her role on Desperate Housewives. While you many not enjoy the show, you can look at Eva for an hour and your girlfriend doesn’t mind!
Click here for more pictures of Eva Longoria!
34. Penélope Cruz

Who Is She? Amazing Spanish Actress
Why She Made The List: Probably best know for her roles in the movies Blow,Volver and Vanilla Sky, Penelope is definitely deserving to be on this list.
Click here for more pictures of Penélope Cruz!
33. Natalie Portman

Who Is She? The Queen that passed on her good-looks to Princess Leia!
Why She Made The List: Natalie has a simple elegance and a classic look, not to mention a large attractive brain. Which is always a plus.
Click here for more pictures of Natalie Portman!
32. Tricia Helfer

Who Is She? Number Six from Battlestar Galatica!
Why She Made The List: Obviously any hot sci-fi actress generally gets internet bonus points, but Helfer is legitimately hot.
Click here for more pictures of Tricia Helfer!
31. Jessica Alba

Who Is She? Star of lots of movies, most of which didn’t do too hot, but who cares right?
Why She Made The List: Easily one of the most beautiful women in the world. An incredible body and a beautiful, but unfortunately not a lot of talent. We’d love for her to pick up her acting game and start making some movies a guy would actually want to see, because I’m all for staring at Jessica Alba on the big screen for a couple of hours.
Click here for more pictures of Jessica Alba!
30. Erin Andrews

Who Is She? The hottest sideline reporter in the history of ever.
Why She Made The List: Ever. Seriously. And really, the only reason to have a sideline reporter is if they look like Erin, so it works out.
Click here for more pictures of Erin Andrews!
29. Vanessa Hudgens

Who Is She? A Disney starlet who’s already had a lifetime worth of controversy.
Why She Made The List: She’s young, she’s unique, and she’s definitely hot. Vanessa also gave Disney execs a run for their money when some of her nude pics hit the internet.
Click here for more pictures of Vanessa Hudgens!
28. Salma Hayek

Who Is She? The first Mexican-Actress to be nominated for an Academy Award.
Why She Made The List: The woman is like fine wine. I’m kind of half wondering what she’s going to look like when she’s 50 or 60 because her hotness level certainly hasn’t decreased as of yet.
Click here for more pictures of Salma Hayek!
27. Isla Fischer

Who Is She? Fischer was the sex-crazed sister in The Wedding Crashers, and she’s currently married to Sacha Baren Cohen.
Why She Made The List: The hottest red head in the world? If she’s not there’s a strong argument to be made in her favor.
Click here for more pictures of Isla Fischer!
26. Kaley Cuoco

Who Is She? The hot neighbor on the CBS comedy, The Big Bang Theory.
Why She Made The List: Kaley was noticed first on her role of the family sit-com 8 Simple Rules. Kaley has a killer body and has been named to both FHM and Maxium Hot 100 Lists!
Click here for more pictures of Kaley Cuoco!
25. Karissa and Kristina Shannon

Who Is She? The dumb, drunk twins that want a spot a permanent spot at the Playboy Mansion!
Why She Made The List: They are trying to work their way onto the Playboy reality show Girls Next Door but Hef can’t seem to make up his mind! They are blonde twins though, which would seemingly make them right up Hef’s alley. The lucky bastard.
Click here for more pictures of Karissa and Kristina Shannon!
24. Karolina Kurkova

Who Is She? Czech-born Victoria’s Secret Angel!
Why She Made The List:She’s pretty high on our list of Hottest Victoria’s Secret Models of All Time, so that qualifies her for the Hottest 100! Kurkova proves that there’s a lot going on in Eastern Europe if you like tall blonde women.
Click here for more pictures of Karolina Kurkova!
23. Beyoncé

Who Is She? Mrs. Jay-Z and one of the most famous recording artists in the world.
Why She Made The List: She’s hot enough to snag Jay-Z, a guy who could have damn near anyone he chooses, so that’s a pretty ringing endorsement.
Click here for more pictures of Beyoncé!
22. Keeley Hazell

Who Is She? Ridiculously hot British model
Why She Made The List: If you look at her pictures, do we really need to give you an explaination of why she’s on our list? Keeley has some very impressive assets. She’s also had a leaked sex tape, which you’ve probably seen.
Click here for more pictures of Keeley Hazell!
21. Natalie Gulbis

Who Is She? LPGA star, and our hottest female athlete of all time
Why She Made The List:Natalie is probably the hottest golfer on the LPGA tour. She has appeared in FHM and Sports Illustrated. She only has 1 win on tour but has a LARGE following! She will be appearing this spring on Celebrity Apprentice 2 if you’re wanting to get to know her a little better.
Click here for more pictures of Natalie Gulbis!
20. Mila Kunis

Who Is She? Starred on That 70’s Show
Why She Made The List: The voice of Meg Griffin, and the star of Forgetting Sarah Marshall where she was just ridiculously, incredibly hot. Inexplicably dating Macauley Culkin though, which drops her a notch or two on our list.
Click here for more pictures of Mila Kunis!
19. Angelina Jolie

Who Is She? One of the (most?) famous women in the world.
Why She Made The List: An incredible body and a classic profile, Jolie is easily one of the hottest women in the world.
Click here for more pictures of Angelina Jolie!
18. Katy Perry

Who Is She? American pop star who has been inescapable for much of the past year.
Why She Made The List: Yeah her music is annoying, but her hotness is undeniable. Plus she kind of likes girls, which is practically the American dream anymore.
Click here for more pictures of Katy Perry!
17. Hayden Panettierre

Who Is She? The hot star from NBC’s Heroes.
Why She Made The List: She’s pretty much what American thinks of when it thinks hot cheerleader
Click here for more pictures of Hayden Panettierre!
16. Rihanna

Who Is She?She’s an R&B/Hip-Hop star
Why She Made The List: Rihanna has some of the best music videos going these days, mostly because of how ridiculously hot she always manages to look. Not sure how Jay-Z managed to make a decision when it came to Beyonce vs. Rihanna.
Click here for more pictures of Rihanna!
15. Blake Lively

Who Is She? Another star of Gossip Girl.
Why She Made The List: Lively almost makes Gossip Girl worth watching. Almost. Nonetheless, Lively is a major hottie with a great west coast look and an incredible body. We love her and hope she’ll star in something we’d want to watch one of these days.
Click here for more pictures of Blake Lively!
14. Kristen Bell

Who Is She? Kristen is best-known for her role on Heroes and Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Why She Made The List: Bell actually managed to make us take our eyes off of Mila Kunis when watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall which is extremely impressive.
Click here for more pictures of Kristen Bell!
13. Ana Ivanovic

Who Is She? The current French Open Champ and the hottest female tennis player in the world.
Why She Made The List: For whatever reason, there’s nothing like a hot female tennis player, and Ivanovic is the hottest of them all.
Click here for more pictures of Ana Ivanovic!
12. Megan Fox

Who Is She? Best known for her role in Transformers
Why She Made The List: With someone as hot as Megan Fox, where do you even start? With the face of an angel and the body of a goddess, Megan Fox has it all. And now it sounds like she might be the next Lara Croft. We think she’s a worthy successor to Angelina.
Click here for more pictures of Megan Fox!
11. Emile de Ravin

Who Is She? Best known for her portrayl of Claire on ABC/s Lost.
Why She Made The List: She’s got a perfect body, and she’s not a prude about showing it, as she displayed with her recent nude photo shoot. Major points in our book.
Click here for more pictures of Emile de Ravin!
10. Ashley Tisdale

Who Is She? The hottest thing to come out of Disney since pre crazy Britney Spears.
Why She Made The List: With A fresh face and a great body, Tisdale is sure to be around for a long time to come. At least we hope so.
Click here for more pictures of Ashley Tisdale!
9. Giselle Bundchen

Who Is She? One of the hottest Victoria’s Secret Models in the world and Tom Brady’s love interest
Why She Made The List: The cherry on the top of Tom Brady’s perfect life, Giselle is one of those rare women that can pull off going by one name.
Click here for more pictures of Giselle Bundchen!
8. Audrina Patridge

Who Is She? Probably the hottest girl you’ll find on MTV these days.
Why She Made The List: I don’t watch The Hills, but I can see why people do with all the eye candy. Patridge has one of the best bodies in Hollywood.
Click here for more pictures of Audrina Patridge!
7. Scarlett Johansson

Who Is She? Head to toe, one of the hottest women in the world, and a talented actress to boot.
Why She Made The List: She’s smart as well as beautiful, and she has an incredible non waifish body and a gorgeous face. She’s basically perfect.
Click here for more pictures of Scarlett Johansson!
6. January Jones

Who Is She? Jones stars as Betty Draper in AMC’s Mad Men, one of the best shows on TV.
Why She Made The List: There’s not much hotter than Jones with a retro circa 1960 look.
Click here for more pictures of January Jones!
5. Emmanuelle Chriqui

Who Is She? Best known for her role on HBO’s hit show Entourage.
Why She Made The List: It’s women like this that make Entourage one of the greatest shows ever. Chriqui is insanely hot, and we’re hoping she gets a lot more exposure in the coming years.
Click here for more pictures of Emmanuelle Chriqui!
4. Taylor Swift

Who Is She? Swift is a newly minted County-Pop superstar
Why She Made The List:At just 19, Taylor Swift, has accomplished more than most in a lifetime. With her girl-next-door disposition and super-model looks, what isn’t to love?
Click here for more pictures of Taylor Swift!
3. Jessica Biel

Who Is She? Best known for her roles in 7th Heaven as well as the recent movie I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry which while horrific, did offer a lot of Jessica Biel T&A.
Why She Made The List: Currently dating Justin Timberlake, so we expect her to have a meltdown following their breakup, culminating in her binging on Cheetos and attacking paparazzi. So enjoy this hotness while it lasts everyone.
Click here for more pictures of Jessica Biel!
2. Alessandra Ambrosio

Who Is She? Easily the hottest current Victoria’s Secret model.
Why She Made The List: Not only does she sport that amazing body, she also has a heart as she’s National Ambassador for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
Click here for more pictures of Alessandra Ambrosio!
1. Minka Kelly
Who Is She? Best know for her role as Lyla Garrity, on what is probably the best show on television right now, Friday Night Lights.
Why She Made The List: Minka Kelly is a little underexposed right now, laboring on a show that unfortunately isn’t watched by nearly as many people as it deserves, but we are extremely confident that she’ll hit the mainstream in the coming years. And deservedly so, as she’s our hottest woman in the world for 2009.
Click here for more pictures of Minka Kelly!